Ulil, Terror and the Threat of Democracy

After a few key figures arrested and died of terror, Indonesia back safe and quite effective running of government. Police get such a huge appreciation from the public being able to clean up the group that makes trouble in this country without responsibility even though they argue in the name of jihad.

Lapse of time long enough, unexpectedly terror came back the day Tuesday, March 15, 2011 with a more neatly packaged and this time attacked the Utan Kayu complex known as the headquarters of Liberal Islam Network (JIL) and the target is a Ulil Abshar Abdalla, JIL leader and now a political activist in the Democratic Party. Ulil himself survived but three of the police officers and one security guard at the complex was exposed to injury while trying to defuse the bomb and then rushed to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital. In addition to Ulil, bombs were also sent to the Head of BNN Komjen Gories Mere, Chairman of the Pemuda Pancasila (PP) Japto S Soerjosoemarno and musician Ahmad Dhani, a bomb believed to still spread around us.

Up to this moment not yet known motive for the bomb shipments Ulil including others, special for at least two predictions Ulil motive behind this bomb delivery. First, Politics. Political history that was cruel, who threatened he must immediately be secured, not only opponents but his own could be excluded, persecuted and even killed. Perpetuating political interests, which had been his opponent could be and vice versa. In Machiavelli’s theory, in political action, human justifies any means to achieve the goal (the end justifies the means). Lately, Ulil as a politician quite vocal in the issue of change of cabinet members (reshufle), there may be people or the elite who do not like the political steps Ulil so Ulil should be abolished as it happened to Tan Malaka, Munir and others. Second, Ulil activity as a liberal Muslim thinker. Ulil is one person who was leading digarda defend minorities and very vocal in pluralism and religious freedom.
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Wacky Packages bomb

INDONESIA known nation that could give comfort to foreign nationals. Good manners and friendly attitude of the Indonesian nation has known in this hemisphere. But the fact it does not apply to our own people. They continue to be haunted by a sense of fear.

The rise of a series of terror bombings since 2000 to reason. In anticipation of government by forming Detachment 88 Antiteror which is under the police had not yet produced results. Plus many people who assess intelligence in this country lackluster.

So far, all parties should be responsible for the rise of terror bomb apparently hands-off. So is the actor who was mercilessly create unrest in society. That mental tempe become the brain behind this series of bombs.
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